Sometimes their act is so bold that they climb a tree in the burning forest to save a wild animal and were afraid to come down on their own. Isn't it! These kinds of things, firefighters do every day.

Sometimes their act is so bold that they climb a tree in the burning forest to save a wild animal and were afraid to come down on their own. Isn't it! These kinds of things, firefighters do every day.
कभी-कभी उनका काम इतना निर्भीक होता है कि वे एक बेजुबान जानवर को बचाने के लिए जलते हुए जंगल में एक पेड़ पर चढ़ जाते हैं और अपने आप नीचे आने से डरते थे। है ना! इस प्रकार की चीजें, हर दिन फायर फाइटर करते हैं।
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