State President of the Indian Crime Research Investigation Agency, Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Zakir Hussain and his team organized free eye check-up camp and health check-up camp was successfully completed with everyone's cooperation.

State President of the Indian Crime Research Investigation Agency, Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Zakir Hussain and his team organized free eye check-up camp and health check-up camp was successfully completed with everyone's cooperation.

भारतीय अपराध अनुसंधान जांच एजेंसी मध्य प्रदेश के स्टेट प्रेसिडेंट मि. जाकिर हुसैन व उनकी टीम ने लगाया  नि शुल्क नेत्र जांच शिविर एवं स्वास्थ्य जांच शिविर को सभी के सहयोग से सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न किया गया

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