Advertisement Notification No. CRIAI/IN/APR/2024-2025 on dated 03/10/2024 For Pan India engagement of Local Crime Informer (LCI), Assistant Development Executive (ADE), Intelligence Agent, District Development Executive (DDE), Zonal Development Officer (ZDO), State Director (SD), on regular basis. Online applications are invited from Indian citizens who fulfill the following Essential Qualifications and other eligibility conditions, as on 03/04/2024, for preparation of a panel of suitable candidates for officer in the CRIAI of India purely on fixed consolidated stipend of Rs. 9,500/- for Local Crime Informer (LCI), Rs. 12,000/- for Assistant Development Executive (ADE), Rs. 16,000/- for Intelligence Agent, Rs. 20,000/- for District Development Executive (DDE), Rs. 22,500/- for Zonal Development Officer (ZDO), Rs. 25,000/- for State Director (SD) per month including every allowances initially during the assignment session commencing from joining order. However, the service can be terminated at any point of time without any notice for any false reason from the candidate side.
Method of selection :-
- Selection shall be made on the basis of Written Test/ Interview.
- Details of the Scheme of registration of application and payment of fee, written test, interview, Minimum Qualifying Standards, Terms and Conditions of assignment in the website of the CRIAI, ,
- The written test/ Interview will be announce shortly Eligible candidates are required to apply online for which the link is provided through
- The application will be accepted through online registration only which is likely to start from 30/09/2024.
General Instructions :-
(1) The applicants would be admitted to the Interview Test on the basis of the information furnished by them in their application form. They are, therefore, advised to ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions before applying. If any candidate is found to have given false information or does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, the candidature of such applicant would be cancelled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained.
(2) Issuance of Interview card for the examination will NOT confer any right for selection.
(3) Candidates should scan his/her signatures and photograph having 5 cm height and 3.8 cm width (50 kb) in JPG/PNG/JPEG format for uploading the same at relevant space on the online application.
(4) The candidate should fill up the required data in the application and make online fee payment in accordance with the instructions displayed on the link provided for the purpose.
(5) On submitting application online, the candidate will get a preview of application with Application Number. Candidates are advised to get a printout of the filled up application of his/her record.
(6) The candidate should retain his/her Application Number carefully for generation of call letter and for any other information regarding Interview test etc.
(7) APPLICATIONS WHICH DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. The candidate should bear in mind while applying for assignment that he/she will be required to work even at odd hours and on holidays, if so required. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for appearing in the Written test/Interview Test.